Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tribute to my dog Dingo

This post is personal, biographical, and indulgent - read at your own risk:

On Nov 2nd, sometime between 4 and 6pm, my 15 ½ year old Australian Sheppard Dingo had a stroke. This little dog – the poochie love of my life became partially disabled.

I met her in September of 1992; she was a “stray” puppy who bit my feet as I was changing the oil on my car in front of my parent’s home on W 12th St in Pueblo, CO. She was hungry and we began feeding her. Her “owners”, the DeHerrera family let us officially have her on 11/11/1992 – Veterans Day.

She was an artful survivor in those days, one time I saw her stick her nose in a clump of grass and come out with a grasshopper which she then ate. She had a taste for junk food, probably from the young boys, Nick and Eddie DeHerrera giving her candy and anything else from 7-11.

She also had a dislike of brooms, probably from Mrs. DeHerrera shooing her with one. One time we left her in the car with a newly purchased broom for a few minutes. She got even – tearing it up as much as she could in the time she had.

She spent her first few weeks in the front yard of my parent’s home. She spent much of her last weeks in the front yard of our home. She loved sitting in recliners and other comfortable chairs. She loved being outside.

She loved to play ball. One place we lived, a second story flat at 18th and High in Denver, had an indoor stairway that was carpeted. I would begin playing ball with her, throwing it down the stairs for her to retrieve and run up with it. After a while, she would refuse to get it. And I would go down the steps and throw it up to her at the top of the stairs. She would bunt it with her nose back down to me. So, she trained me to play catch.

Often if you were petting and scratching her – she would take your hand in her mouth and re-direct it to a preferred spot.

Regarding junk food, one time we gave her an organic corn chip and a nacho-cheese Dorito, placing both on the floor in front of her. She ate the Dorito and left the organic chip.

When she was six months old, we were living in a rented town home in Aurora at Iliff and Buckley. I was talking on the phone, she tried to get my attention but I continued my conversation. Finally she squatted over the open Yellow pages and made them a little more yellow, showing me why she needed my attention by urinating on them.

Everyone has a story about how smart their dog is – here’s mine: One time when we were moving, we got some fried rice. I ate half of my beef fried rice and Loretta decided to eat her chicken fried rice later. I said I would give the rest of my beef fried rice to Dingo when we got to our new apartment. We stopped at Walgreens at Race and Colfax and left her in the car. When we had come out, she had eaten all the remainder of the beef fried rice and left the chicken fried rice untouched. Both were in closed take out containers inside a paper sack. What a smart dog!

She was always much more interested in people than other dogs. People can pet you and give you food. What can other dogs do for you? I remember taking her to a dog park at 26th and Kearney. She showed no interest in the other dogs but great interest in the other owners, especially those eating Kentucky Fried Chicken.

She loved to ride in the car. Many times I would take her, always being careful to park in the shade. She liked to sit above the back seats in the back window when the car was parked and generally liked to be behind the driver’s seat when the car was in motion.
Onetime while at Walgreens at 2nd and Broadway, I went to pay for my purchases and could not find my wallet. I came out to the car and searched and searched. Finally Dingo moved slightly from her perch in the back window to reveal she had taken the wallet and had been laying on it the whole time.

I have many more stories which I’ll add later about this amazing friend. I’ve cried several times while writing this.

She is in transition now – perhaps for a few months – perhaps just a few days. This just makes me realize how very much I love her and value her spirit – as I anticipate missing her physical presence. She is such a noble, regal, earnest, kind, loving and amazing friend! I love you Dingo.

(This was written while on a flight to Los Angeles on November 9th, Dingo left her body on November 13th, 2007, shortly after our return to Denver).

Although I teach people how to enrich their lives, I don’t pretend to know everything that life is about. I do know one thing. We are hear to love and enjoy and relish in the lives that we both create and are given. While Dingo’s transition brings tears and her last days were challenging, I am so very grateful for the over 5600 wonderful days I spent with her. Her presence and enthusiasm are gifts that continue to enrich my life.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Receiving through “No Tension”

I had the fortune to go to college with many amazing people, among them
Marci Shimoff, who is co-author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and who is one of the featured speakers in The Secret DVD.

Marci is coming out with a book soon called “Happy for No Reason”. In it she outlines three requirements for creating what you want; Intention, Attention, and No Tension.

Many of us do quite well with the first two. We clarify our intentions; we give them attention through writing them down and declaring them. We see ourselves already succeeding at what we want.

What is necessary after these first two wonderful steps is to release and relax. To let go and let the manifestation process work. There is wisdom in the old saying, “A watched pot never boils.” It’s like planting a seed and then digging it up every day to see how quickly it is growing.

There are many ways to relax into the state of “No Tension” – silent meditation, gentle deep breathing, walks, baths, naps, massage, petting your pets, acupuncture, restful vacations, and simply switching your focus to something you enjoy that is not related to your goal. All of these will raise your vibration as you bask in the ease of “No Tension”.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Bit by Bit

Through persistence all things are accomplished” Lewis Bostwick

I have the privilege of watching people create their lives both in my private intuitive readings / energy healings and in my Applying the Secret classes and other Yoga of the Mind classes.

On an energy level, it seems quite natural to want everything to happen instantly and it is true. If you want to experience the vibration of the color blue – you close your eyes and imagine it and you will experience it. If I want a certain goal, I can see, feel and deeply know myself as already having it and then at that moment in the energy/imaginal world, it is already done.

Creating in the physical world often involves process. Process can be the time, space and action required for the physical elements to mold and arrange themselves to match what has already been created in the energy/imaginal world.

Another second level of process is me clearing anything (internal thoughts, emotions, habits, patterns, or previous creations) that is in the way of me creating the new thing I want. This is necessary to raise my vibration to a higher level so I can have my new creation fully. New, deep, soul level inspirations always require we be at a higher vibration to have them.

Persistence is a great quality to have when dealing with either level of these two processes. Persistence can be as simple as spending ten minutes a day meditating on what you want and seeing, feeling and deeply knowing yourself as having it.

The internal clearing process precedes the external. In the beginning of internal clearing the sensations are generally bigger than in the later part of this phase. Thus, in the beginning we really feel that we are “getting somewhere”. As we become more acclimated to the higher vibration, it does not seem as dramatic.

This is often where people give up. And at this point, they are quite near having their goal on an energy level. Once it is fully done on the energy level, the physical process begins
and often accelerates.

So, if you really want something, don’t give up. Try different approaches, clear the internal blocks in different ways. Keep moving and shifting. You are closer than you think.

Several years ago, I went on vacation. I had one plant that I put under a faucet that dripped about once a minute. I hoped this was enough water to keep the plant alive. When I came home a week later, the plant was drenched.

Bit by bit, we are all advancing toward our goals.
Through persistence, all things are accomplished

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Seniority and Creating New Thoughts

Recently, in an Applying the Secret class, we were discussing what people had gained
from the class. One woman had an answer that I’d never heard before, but that was
very profound. She said that she most appreciated the realization that she could have distance from her thoughts. She experienced this perspective as having both space between her and her thoughts, and the ability to release unwanted thoughts.

To those of us practicing the Yoga of the Mind Meditation, this may seem obvious but it is a true gift. By realizing you are more than your thoughts, you create space that allows for new thoughts. We could call this seniority to your thoughts.

Here’s a way to begin to experience it: Sit, close your eyes, and breathe easily and
a little deeper than normal. Become aware of your thoughts, watch them come and go
without trying to control or change them in any way. See if you feel a little more silence and peace. If it doesn’t come right away, it will come in time. Enjoy.

Why don't I get what I want?

As more and more people are learning about the law of attraction, we are all collectively
learning to apply this metaphysical principle in our own unique ways. Part of learning
is exploring – finding what does and does not work. What I share in my classes,
is what I’ve learned, not as an ultimate truth, but as an insight that students
can use in finding their own inspiring path.

A common complaint and mis-understanding I’ve seen is this: “I decided what
my goal is and I’ve focused on it intently, with positive feeling. And it hasn’t happened.
Isn’t that all I’m supposed to do? What am I doing wrong?”

There are several factors that can account for this. Let’s assume your goal is one with which you are fully aligned and you have cleared the deeper parts of you of contrary, sabotaging emotions while bringing in higher and higher levels of positive feelings.

Then what you are doing is denying the inspired action that wants to flow through you.
This inspired action may be just shifting your viewpoint to see an opportunity that is already there or it could involved a series of steps which involve a lot of action
on your part.

Even if it involves extensive action, there will be a wave of inspired energy to
make that activity seem easy. When you are in this creative energy, time flies by and all necessary elements and support flock to you. This is truly a spiritual experience regardless of what area of life the goal is in.

It is the focus of my teaching to show you how to be in this creative, intuitive, and inspired flow. It is a wonderful experience that I invite you all to explore.

Making a Better World

Newsletter August 2007

Making a Better World

I grew up in the 60’s and early 70’s. During that time, there was a lot of emphasis
among young people about making the world a better place through political change.
There was a lot of idealism and many people believed in utopian possibilities.

During the 80’s, most of us concentrated on our careers – much of the idealism faded.
Last Thursday, I went to an event called GreenScene - a fundraiser for Colorado Environmental Coalition, which has existed since 1965, and which I joined that night.
This event prompted some of the thoughts below.

We, as humanity, already have many, many partial and complete solutions to many of our
problems. Regarding the environment, watch dvd’s like “Who Killed the Electric Car?”
and “Free Energy: Race to Zero Point”. Even if the many constructive alternatives are
only partially as good as presented, the combination of them should be enough to make a radical difference.

Another example, in talking several hundred meditation practitioners over many years
most report the eliminating illegal drug use from their lives after starting
meditation. They say that they just lost their desire to get high. If national demand for
illegal drugs could be reduced even by a percentage, it would greatly benefit
our society. Doesn’t decreased demand seem like a more productive strategy than
just increased enforcement, etc?

So why aren’t more of these alternatives implemented?

Fear and resistance to change are two big reasons. Many other reasons can be traced back
to these.

Recently saw a local comedian who calls himself Hippy Man. Among his humorous solutions to our many problems was this, “It’s obvious that the
oil companies are not going to roll out any alternative fuels until we actually run out
of petroleum. So I have 6 SUV engines up on blocks – all running full speed 24/7. I’m
doing my part to bring about change, what are you doing?”

What I am doing is teaching meditation, intuition and healing. These are all about
each student clearing their own fear and resistance to positive change. There are
thousands of other people teaching all kinds of ways to do this as well. Collectively,
we are beginning to create an environment where courage and embracing positive
change are the norm. Bit by bit, one by one, we are each creating our own vision of
Heaven on Earth.

1% of your time spent meditating daily can reap huge benefits. That’s 14 minutes and 24 seconds. You can begin to clear yourself of stress, worry, self-doubt and fear. You can
enhance positive qualities such as appreciation and courage. Meditation synchronizes
both halves of the brain, and thus brings more creativity (right brain) to our typically
over-used analytical side (left brain).

Mediation is also the first step in greatly strengthening your intuition. Greater intuition
is invaluable to me in my life. It helps guide me to follow my inspired thoughts and
positively transform my experience. For me that means, earning more money than I ever
have in my life doing something I love, living with someone I deeply love, better health,
and living in an inspired intuitive flow that is almost magical .

In August, there are six remaining times in August, that you can learn this meditation for free: August 8th and 22nd from 5:10-5:40 at Progressive Health Center, 701 E. Hampden,
August 8th, 15th, and 22nd from 7-8, at the Westridge Rec Center, Highlands Ranch
and August 20th 6-7pm at my Yoga of the Mind Office, 8 E 1st Ave #103, Denver, CO

If none of these work, I have a great professionally recorded CD that I made
that will teach you everything you need to know to get started. It costs $17,
including tax and shipping. To order go to

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Spiritual Side of the Secret

Recently spent some time in a spiritual community. Many good
and beautiful things are presesnt there and I was touched by so
many people giving their time and energy to create more peace
and happiness in the world.

This volunteer community gave me time to reflect on my own
teaching. My most successful class this last year is Applying
the Secret - a meditative way to get what you really want.

A few people find the Secret egotistical, superficial, and materialistic.
What I realized from the above experiences, is that Applying
the Secret can work just as well for spiritual goals as for material
goals. So those in the spiritual community could entertain goals
such as: having more than enough voluteers to run the place or
having fundraising goals be exceeded or even the goal of expeiencing
some particular signpost of advancing spiritually that is meaningful to

What many people mistake for "ego" is really just expanded havingness.
Our negative ego is what wants to keep us small and living small.
If we want to have more, we must expand our concept of our true selves.
You actually are making progress when the negative ego that limits you
cries out about how egotistical your becoming.