Monday, October 8, 2007

Bit by Bit

Through persistence all things are accomplished” Lewis Bostwick

I have the privilege of watching people create their lives both in my private intuitive readings / energy healings and in my Applying the Secret classes and other Yoga of the Mind classes.

On an energy level, it seems quite natural to want everything to happen instantly and it is true. If you want to experience the vibration of the color blue – you close your eyes and imagine it and you will experience it. If I want a certain goal, I can see, feel and deeply know myself as already having it and then at that moment in the energy/imaginal world, it is already done.

Creating in the physical world often involves process. Process can be the time, space and action required for the physical elements to mold and arrange themselves to match what has already been created in the energy/imaginal world.

Another second level of process is me clearing anything (internal thoughts, emotions, habits, patterns, or previous creations) that is in the way of me creating the new thing I want. This is necessary to raise my vibration to a higher level so I can have my new creation fully. New, deep, soul level inspirations always require we be at a higher vibration to have them.

Persistence is a great quality to have when dealing with either level of these two processes. Persistence can be as simple as spending ten minutes a day meditating on what you want and seeing, feeling and deeply knowing yourself as having it.

The internal clearing process precedes the external. In the beginning of internal clearing the sensations are generally bigger than in the later part of this phase. Thus, in the beginning we really feel that we are “getting somewhere”. As we become more acclimated to the higher vibration, it does not seem as dramatic.

This is often where people give up. And at this point, they are quite near having their goal on an energy level. Once it is fully done on the energy level, the physical process begins
and often accelerates.

So, if you really want something, don’t give up. Try different approaches, clear the internal blocks in different ways. Keep moving and shifting. You are closer than you think.

Several years ago, I went on vacation. I had one plant that I put under a faucet that dripped about once a minute. I hoped this was enough water to keep the plant alive. When I came home a week later, the plant was drenched.

Bit by bit, we are all advancing toward our goals.
Through persistence, all things are accomplished

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