Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time to Rest

Our society is overly values activity. People brag about how much they work and how little they sleep. We admire someone who is "hard-working" and have suspicion if not disdain for someone who let's us know they are "well-rested".

I tend toward work-aholism and have much of the Protestant work ethic than others do. But more and more I see the value of rest, sleep, naps, dreams, meditation, travel (inner or outer),
vacation and leaving some room for divine inspiration. Many inventions and creative thoughts have occurred during these times.

Give yourself a mental break - spend 10 minutes a day for the next week - just sitting quietly and observing your breath.

In addition to the above, which I've done consistently for 40 years, longer breaks are also necessary, So to celebrate my 52nd birthday this week - I am taking a week off to meditate, go to the mountains, and re-balance.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Swirling Waves of Success

I've kept journals since I was 9 years old. One thing I've noticed
is the better my life has been going the less entries I made in my
journal. It's the same with blogs.

I teach a class Creating and Manifesting - during which we
pick three goals and do a unique, short and powerful meditation
on them daily. Back in March 2 one of my goals were to do more psychic
house clearings. Throuugh following my intuition and my inspirations, I was interviewed
by The Denver Post about my house clearings and have done more in the last
three months, than in the previous three years. They did a great video on me
which you can see on my website - my site shows
up 8 times on the first page when you google "yoga of the mind" - previously
I was lucky if it showed up on the second page.

I am so grateful and appreciative of everything and everyone who has contributed
to all this - which I call the swirling waves of success. I will be writing more
about my insights and the new spiritual information that I am receiving every day.
If what I am sharing has made your life better in any way - that makes my heart soar.
Thank you for your interest and support.