Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Why don't I get what I want?

As more and more people are learning about the law of attraction, we are all collectively
learning to apply this metaphysical principle in our own unique ways. Part of learning
is exploring – finding what does and does not work. What I share in my classes,
is what I’ve learned, not as an ultimate truth, but as an insight that students
can use in finding their own inspiring path.

A common complaint and mis-understanding I’ve seen is this: “I decided what
my goal is and I’ve focused on it intently, with positive feeling. And it hasn’t happened.
Isn’t that all I’m supposed to do? What am I doing wrong?”

There are several factors that can account for this. Let’s assume your goal is one with which you are fully aligned and you have cleared the deeper parts of you of contrary, sabotaging emotions while bringing in higher and higher levels of positive feelings.

Then what you are doing is denying the inspired action that wants to flow through you.
This inspired action may be just shifting your viewpoint to see an opportunity that is already there or it could involved a series of steps which involve a lot of action
on your part.

Even if it involves extensive action, there will be a wave of inspired energy to
make that activity seem easy. When you are in this creative energy, time flies by and all necessary elements and support flock to you. This is truly a spiritual experience regardless of what area of life the goal is in.

It is the focus of my teaching to show you how to be in this creative, intuitive, and inspired flow. It is a wonderful experience that I invite you all to explore.

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