Thursday, January 3, 2008

Eating Awareness

Eating Awareness

What are some of the traditional messages about eating? Perhaps you’ve heard your mother say chew your food, come to the table to eat, take smaller bites (don’t wolf your food down).

How far most of us have gotten from this good advice. We watch TV or work on the computer while eating. We eat in a hurry and don’t chew much (this includes avoiding food that requires much chewing). Some people I know were talking about the best lunch to order at a fast food restaurant to best avoid spilling food on yourself while driving around.

So try for one day to eat in an unhurried fashion. Take a three relaxing deep breaths before you start. Sit at a table. Chew each bite many times, really tasting the food. Put your fork or spoon down between bites. Let your eating environment be free from TV and computers. Pause for a minute after completing your meal to appreciate the experience.

What I found from doing the above consistently for the last few weeks, is that I am naturally making healthier food choices, I am satisfied with less food, I realize when I’ve had enough to eat, and my digestion is much better. This is an amazing payoff for a few additional minutes spent eating. Try it and let me know what you think.

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